Tribute to Guruji and Light on Yoga - Day 31
The sixth stage of yoga is called Dharana or concentration. Mr. Iyengar writes that this concentration on a single point or task comes after the mind has been stilled.
"When the body has been tempered by asanas, when the mind has been refined by the fire of pranayama and when the senses have been brought under control by pratyahara, the sadhaka reaches the sixth stage called dharana."
The mind, Mr. Iyengar writes, is like an instrument. To get the best out of an instrument one must know how it works. The mind classifies impressions from the outside world as well as those that arise within so very difficult to restrain.
Mr. Iyengar says that mental states are classified into five groups.
They are:
Ksipta state - mental forces are scattered and in a state of neglect and one hankers after objects of desire.
Viksipta state - the mind is agitated and distracted. One can enjoy the fruits of one's efforts, but the desires are not controlled.
Mudha state - the mind is dull and foolish and does not know what it wants.
Ekagra state - Mind is more concentrated on a single point and the sadhaka knows what he wants. This state brings much intellectual powers but one must be careful that they do not become egotistical.
Niruddha state - here the mind (manas), intellect (buddhi) and ego(ahamkara) are restrained and offered to the Lord. So there is no "I" or "mine" for the sadhaka becomes one with the universe.
To achieve this concentration it is recommended the sadhaka concentrate on AUM.
More on this in Day 32's post.
Pamela Nelson
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