Sunday, October 16, 2016

Light on Yoga - Day 17

Image result for eight limbs of ashtanga yoga

Tribute to Guruji and Light on Yoga - Day 17

The first in the ethical disciplines (Yamas) is Ahimsa.  Ahimsa means non-harming.  The "a" before a word usually means "not".   So himsa means killing or violence and adding the a before is the negative command, not to kill.  Mr.Iyengar says it also has a wider positive meaning, love!

Mr. Iyengar also writes, "Violence arises out of fear, weakness, ignorance or restlessness.  To curb it what is most needed is freedom from fear."  This freedom must come from changing ones outlook on life and believing that every creature has as much right to live as they have. 

Mr. Iyengar shares many qualities a yogi must posses to live a life of non-violence and it comes down to seeing how all beings are linked so the yogi must strive to show love, compassion and forgiveness.

In this section on ahimsa in Light on Yoga it says also that along with non-harming (ahimsa), one must also have freedom from fear(abhaya) and freedom from anger(akrodha).   Freedom from fear comes only to those that lead a pure life.  For anger, Mr. Iyengar writes there are two types.  "One that debases the mind and one that leads to spiritual growth."  When full of pride, anger prevents the mind from seeing things in perspective.  A yogi, is firm with himself when dealing with his own faults, but gentle on the faults of others.  This gentleness of the mind releases hostilities.

Pamela Nelson

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