Saturday, October 1, 2016

LIght on Yoga - Day 2

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Day 2 - Tribute to Guruji and Light on Yoga

Guruji B.K.S. Iyengar dedicates Light on Yoga to his Revered Guruji, Professor, Sriman, T. Krishnamacharya or Mysore, India.

There is a very nice photo of him placing a wreath around the neck of his Guru in Light on Yoga.

Sri Krishnamacharya was Mr. Iyengar's brother-in-law. 
Mr. Iyengar was very sick as a child, so when Mr. Iyengar was 15 his brother and law asked him to come live with them in Mysore to practice yoga to improve his health.  This was the turning point in Mr. Iyengar's life and at only 18 years old he was sent to Pune to share the teachings of yoga.

Krishnamacharya was a very hard task master and would make his students perform very hard postures for many hours at a time without much or any instruction.  Mr. Iyengar in many ways is a self taught person as he would spend hours and hours a day practicing and experimenting with yoga.

The seed was sown but he definitely had tremendous will power for Tapas and self-study.

Pamela Nelson


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