Monday, October 17, 2016

Light on Yoga - Day 18

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Tribute to Guriji and Light on Yoga - Day 18

Satya - Truthfulness is also one of the Yama's. 

Truthfulness in conduct and morality. Non-harming (ahimsa) and truthfulness (satya) go together.  Both non-harming and truthfulness in speech, action and thought.

In Light on Yoga, Mr. Iyengar writes that truth is not limited to speech alone, but control of speech does lead to rooting out malice.  "When the mind bears malice towards non, it is filled with charity towards all."

I did find it interesting to read the four sins of speech.  They are abuse and obscenity; dealing with falsehoods, which I take to mean lying; telling tales and ridiculing what others hold to be sacred.

Control of the tongue does take much self-control as we can often blurt things out without really processing our thoughts first.  This yama in itself is a lifetime pursuit.

From Light on Life,  "When such a person speaks he will be heard with respect and attention.  His words will be remembered, for they will be good and true."

Pamela Nelson

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