Monday, October 24, 2016

Light on Yoga - Day 25

Image result for svadhyaya

Tribute to Guruji and Light on Yoga - Day 25

Svadhyaya - is the study of the self.  "Sva" means self and "adhyaya" means study or education.
Mr. Iyengar writes that ignorance has no beginning, but an end but education has a beginning but no end.  Self study is a way for the practitioner to understand the nature of his soul to gain communion with the divine.  For this Mr. Iyengar advices that one study the sacred books of the world to put an end to ignorance and bring knowledge.

He always uses great analogies. For svadhayaya he writes, "As bees savour the nectar in various flowers, so the sadhaka absorbs things in other faiths which will enable him to appreciate his own faith better."  This leads him to say that, "Yoga is not a religion by itself.  It is the science of religions, the study of which will enable a sadhaka the better to appreciate his own faith."

We often busy ourselves from self-study with external distractions.  Take the time to sit with the breath, relax the mind and study your own self for ways of improving the world.

Pamela Nelson

Image result for svadhyaya

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