Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Light on Yoga - Day 12

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Tribute to Guriji and Light on Yoga - Day 12

So, there are classes of chitta vritti that can create pleasure and pain, and there are five causes of suffering (klesa) to chitta vritti.  We know it takes constant study to keep on the 8 limbed path.

This is because there is also obstacles and distractions that hinder the sadhaka's practice of yoga.

There are many distractions and obstacles for one to overcome.
That is why yoga is a daily practice and can't be taken lightly.
It is a discipline of body, breath and mind and shows why the body must be fit, will power strong, breath even to still the mind.

Obstacles and Distractions - Chitta Viksepa  (from Light on Yoga)
1. Vyadhi - sickness which disturbs the physical equilibrium. When the body is sick or the nervous system is affected, the mind becomes restless and concentration is impossible.
2. Styana - lack of mental disposition for work. If have no goal or path the intellect becomes dull due to inactivity and one cannot concentrate.
3. Samsaya - doubt, indecision. One cannot enjoy this world or have happiness if always doubting or seeking.
4. Pramada - indifference. This leads to person being full of themselves and believes that they alone are wise.
5. Alasya - laziness. One must overcome this obstacle and inertia of the body and mind with faith and enthusiasm.
6. Avirati - desire when sensory objects posses the mind.
7. Bhranti Darsana - false knowledge.
8. Alabdha Bhumikatva - lack of concentration.
9. Anavasthitattva - inability to hold onto concentration after long practice. This happens when become proud in achievements and slack in practice.

After this list Mr. Iyengar says there are four more distractions. 
These are pain or misery(duhkha), dispair (daurmansya), unsteadiness of the body (angamejayatva) and unsteady respiration (svasa-prasvasa)

Mr. Iyengar writes that a Yogi therefore must plan "the conquest of the Self." 

Pamela Nelson

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