Sunday, October 23, 2016

Light on Yoga - Day 24

Image result for tapas yoga

Tribute to Guruji and Light on Yoga - Day 24

Next of the niyamas is Tapas, which Mr. Iyengar explans comes from the root "tap" meaning to blaze, burn, shine, suffer pain or consume by heat.
So it is a burning zeal or effort to achieve a definite goal in life and all worthy goals require self-discipline, purity and austerity.

Mr. Iyengar writes, "Tapas is the conscious effort to achieve ultimate union with the Divine and to burn up all desires which stand in the way of this goal."

Tapas relates to the body, mind and speech and when practiced without any selfish motive or hope for reward a yogi will, "gain courage and wisdom, integrity, straightforwardness and simplicity."

Sometimes the best thing one can start with is getting on the mat and moving with the breath to release and relax the body and mind.  Think of it like burning off toxins to clean and brighten the internal body and mind so your true self shines forth.

Pamela Nelson

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