Sunday, October 9, 2016

Light on Yoga - Day 11

Tribute to Guruji and Light on Yoga - Day 11

In the Yoga Sutras of Patanjai, sutra 1.2 patanjali states that yoga is the cessation of the chatter of the mind.
Patanjali gives five classes of chitta vritti that can create pleasure or pain and also gives five causes of when chitta vritti creates pain (klesas).

Five classes of chitta vritti 
1. Pramana- a standard or ideal. Can be from direct evidence, inference or reliable authority.
2. Viparyaya - mistaken view which is realized after study
3. Vikalpa - imagination, no factual bases 
4. Nidra - sleep, where there is an absence of ideas and experiences 
5. Smrti - memory, living in the past 

Five Klesas - suffering
1. Avidya - ignorance
2. Asmita - egotism
3. Raga - attachment
4. Dvesa - aversion
5. Abhinivesa - clinging to life, fear of death

The 8 limbs teach the sadhaka (aspirant) to still the mind so the beauty of the Self can be reflected in it.
Mr. Iyengar write also that this takes constant study and a yogi must free oneself from desires to forget the past, have no thought for the future, but live in the eternal present.

Pamela Nelson

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