Friday, October 21, 2016

Light on Yoga - Day 22

Image result for saucha

Tribute to Guruji and Light on Yoga - Day 22

The last few days have been on the 5 Yamas -
Ahimsa: not harming, non violence, letting go of hostility in our words, thoughts and actions
Satya: honesty or truthfulness in every thought, word and action
Asteya: not stealing or not having any desire to have something that is not yours by untruthful ways of obtaining it
Brahmacharya: celibacy or self restraint over things that are not needed or take away from ones vital energy
Aparigraha: not hoarding or not holding onto things not needed by you so that someone else can’t have it, not wanting more, also letting go of negative thoughts and not holding onto them.  It means to be happy with what you have.

Next in Light on Yoga is about the Niyamas, which are the individual rules of conduct or disciplines.

The first is Saucha which means cleanliness or purity in body, thought, word and food.

Purity in body is essential for well-being, be that externally through personal hygiene and internally through the action of asana and pranayama and pure food.

Mr. Iyengar writes, "Asana tones the entire body and removes the toxins and impurities caused by over-indulgence.  Pranayama cleanses and aerates the lungs, oxygenates the blood and purifies the nerves."

He also says Saucha is the cleansing of the mind of its disturbing emotions like hatred, anger, passion, lust, greed, delusion and pride. 

In terms of pure food - it is purity in the way one procures the food and prepares it also before it even enters the body.  Mr. Iyengar gives more guidelines in Light on Yoga but says the food should be, "taken to promote health, strength, energy and life.  It should be simple, nourishing, juicy and soothing."

Another area of mention is the place where one practices should be clean, airy, dry and pest-free.

The disciplines are not necessarily always easily attained but being given clues to how to proceed and what might be an obstacle on the path is helpful. 

Pamela Nelson


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