Thursday, October 13, 2016

Light on Yoga - Day 14

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Tribute to Guruji and Light on Yoga - Day 14

A Pupil (Sisya) and Master (Guru)

The word Guru is made up of two syllables - gu meaning darkness and ru meaning light. 
So, it is one that helps remove the darkness and brings light or enlightenment. 
A Guru is there to help the pupil and as Mr. Iyengar writes, "The conception of a Guru is deep and significant. He is not an ordinary guide.  He is a spiritual teacher who teaches a way of life, and not merely how to earn a livelihood. He transmits knowledge of the Spirit and one who receives such knowledge is a sisya, a disciple."

A few ancient texts - Siva Samhita and Hatha Yoga Pradipika give time frames for how long it will take a pupil to reach enlightenment.  Ranging from 3-12 years!  This depends on the class of the aspirant.  Pupils can range from feeble(mrdu), average(madhyama), superior(adhimatra) and the supreme one(adhimatratama).

Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras does not give a specific time required but says it requires long and determined practice (abhyasa), without interruption, performed with devotion and freedom from desires(vairagya) to make the mind calm and tranquil and create a firm foundation.  The pupil can be at any range in the class of aspirants and back sliding is also possible.  That is why a Guru can be so helpful when he is "free from egotism" and "devotedly leads his sisya towards the ultimate goal without any attraction for fame or gain."

Some qualities a sisya(pupil) should posses are: confidence, devotion and love for his Guru, hunger for knowledge, spirit of humility, perseverance, patience, eagerness and questioning spirit.

Some qualities of a Guru(teacher): inspires confidence, devotion, discipline and has a deep understanding and illumination through love, faith in his pupil, encourages student to ask questions and to know the truth by this question and analysis. 

But I like how Mr. Iyengar also writes, "The sisya should above all treasure love, moderation and humility.  Love begets courage, moderation creates abundance and humility generates power.  Courage without love is brutish. Abundance without moderation leads to over-indulgence and decay. Power without humility breeds ignorance and tyranny."

Mr. Iyengar to me is a true Guru.

Pamela Nelson

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