Friday, December 22, 2017

Winter schedule & workshops

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Enjoy your Holiday Break!

I wanted to say Merry Christmas 🎄 to everyone and Happy New Year!
I hope 2018 is full of joy, love and wonderful people and possibilities.

I have added a 3 Thursday Workshop to my schedule and also included my winter schedule below with the poster for the Special Class on March 28th.
Please pre-register for classes in Christopher Lake and Waskesiu as minimum numbers are needed to run classes.

I will be heading to Calgary in February for a workshop so please check dates when there will be no classes.

I also have gift certificates available for Yoga classes, private lessons or the workshops. They can be perfect gifts for yourself or other  loved ones  ❤️ Or maybe a great way to get a friend or partner to join you 😊.

I am sure I forgot to add something so I may touch base before or soon after the New Year.

Much gratitude to you all!
Pamela Nelson
This February I will be spending 5 Days in Calgary for a teacher training intensive and weekend workshop with Jawahar Bangera. Jawahar studied under Yogacharya B.K.S. Iyengar’s guidance for more than 30 years and accompanied him on many of his workshops around the world.
He runs two centres in Mumbai, travels the world giving workshops and is a trustee of the Light on Yoga Research Trust.
I am looking forward to this training opportunity for myself and to enhance my teaching skills.
Because of this there will be no classes Wednesday, February 7th in Christopher Lake or Saturday, February 10th in Prince Albert.

I will be hopefully also attending training in April, October and if the stars align heading to India in November 2018 to study for a month at the Iyengar institute. I will see what enfolds this upcoming year.
2018 Classes and Workshops
*Please note location of classes.

== Add a Private Lesson to Your Group Class for only $60 ==  reg.$75 *one time only

Monday's: Christopher Lake at Anderson Community Complex - See Poster below for details
9:00-10:30a.m. - Iyengar A.M. All Levels - begins January 8th

Monday's :Yoga in Waskesiu Lake - Recreation Hall - See poster for details
5:00-6:30p.m. - Iyengar All Levels - begins January 8th 
10:15-11:30a.m. - Iyengar A.M. All Levels - begins January 9th- Yoga Sublime
12:05-12:55p.m. - Noon Yoga - begins January 9th  - Forest Centre
5:30-7:00p.m. - Iyengar All Levels  - Yoga Sublime
7:15-8:15p.m. - Gentle/Restorative  - Yoga Sublime

Wednesday's: Christopher Lake at Anderson Community Complex - See Poster below for details
7:00-8:30p.m. - Iyengar Evening All Levels - begins on January 10th

Wednesday Special Classes: 
March 28th - Mantra, Meditation and Mindfulness - 6:30-8:30p.m. 
Join me for an evening of chanting, meditation tips and mindful movements
We will break down a few mantras as well as sit in the positive vibration it creates.
Please pre -register.
*see posters below

Thursday Once a Month Workshops: 
Join me one Thursday a month for a 2 hour class.  These classes help to build on foundations and add more yoga into your life without feeling over committed.  Each class has a theme that we will work around and include a reading or two, some breath work and savasana.  Please register early as this will determine the location in Christopher lake of this class.  Thank you!
*see poster below for more details
Saturday's: Yoga Sublime - begins January 13th
9:00-10:15a.m. - A.M. Eye Opener
10:30-11:45a.m. - Yoga for Backs and Joints 
Workshop: 1:30-4:30p.m. - Building a Home Yoga Practice- January 27th - see poster below

  Winter Workshops and Retreats
Private to Semi-private Classes
Private to Semi-private classes at my home studio.
I can also come to other locations. 
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