Sunday, December 3, 2017

Day 3 - One Hundred Days of Celebrating BKS Iyengar

Day 3 - One Hundred Days of Celebrating BKS Iyengar

Vrksasana- Tree pose is a pose that helps to improve balance and stability, as well as strengthen the legs and core.

The chair and walll offer support so proper alignment can be found and therefore more ease in the body, breath and mind.

Here is just a few tips.

Begin in Tadasana- mountain pose.
Find your centre of gravity and sense of direction Mr. Iyengar writes about in Tree of Yoga.
Know that as raise one foot up will shift this centre of gravity slightly and must make subtle internal changes. If raise arms up this also will create slight change.

Engage the quadriceps on standing leg and outer hip as press bent knee foot into inner thigh of standing leg equally. Lengthen up through torso to engage core muscles.
Try to relax the eyes, jaw and throat as they tend to harden when trying to balance. Breath deeply.
Repeat on other leg.

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