Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Light on Yoga - Day 47

Tribute to Guruji and Light on Yoga - Day 47

I love this line Mr. Iyengar writes about the body.  He says, "The human body is a miniature universe in itself."

It is so true and it is amazing how little we often know or learn about our own bodies as we take our awareness anywhere but inwards.

The word Hatha is composed of the ha meaning sun and tha meaning moon.
This is the solar and lunar energy that is said to flow through the  two main nadis or tubes.  They are the Pingala and Ida nadi.  They start at the nostril and move down to the base of the spine.

Pingala is said to be the nadi of the sun and Ida of the moon.  Between them is Susumna or the nadi of fire.  The main channel for the flow of nervous energy and is situated along the spinal column.  The Pingala and Ida intersect each other and the Susumna at various places along the spine.  These junctions are said to be the chakras or wheels mentioned in an earlier post.

Image result for nadi yoga

Mr. Iyengar writes that the chakras may correspond the endocrine glands, that supply hormones and other internal secretions to the system.

It is interesting to learn about the human body and correlate it to the energy body.  The bandhas then help to move this energy up the spine through the chakras to awaken the practitioner.

Pamela Nelson

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