Monday, November 14, 2016

Light on Yoga - Day 46

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Tribute to Guruji and Light on Yoga - Day 46

Uddiyana bandha was mentioned earlier in the section of Light on Yoga called "Bandha and Kriya".  Mr. Iyengar did write he would talk more about the bandhas later.  He again stresses that there is a danger in learning the bandhas incorrectly, and even when learnt correctly that there are dangers as energy is retained.  This can often lead to bhoga or the enjoyment of worldly pleasures and not Yoga the union with the Supreme Soul.

To refresh, Uddiyana means flying up.
In this bandha the diaphragm is lifted up towards the thorax and the abdominal organs are moved back towards the spine.  This bandha is to be performed during the interval between complete exhalation and fresh inhalation when breathing is suspended.  The diaphragm and abdominal organs are exercised and the heart is also gently massaged.

Mula means root so this bandha is located in the lower pelvic region and should be attempted first after the inhalation.  Here the lower abdomen between the navel and the anus is contracted towards the spine and pulled up towards the diaphragm.  By contacting this region Mr. Iyengar writes, "Apana vayu (the prana of the lower abdomen), whose course is downwards, is made to flow up to unite with the Prana vayu, which has its seat in the region of the chest."

Mula bandha is often first learnt while doing asanas like Tadasana, sirsasana, sarvangasana, ustrasana and paschimottanasana.  So, again the limbs of yoga are linked and one is preparing the body in asana for pranayama and beyond.

It is well worth reading this section of Light on Yoga many times to understand the importance of these bandhas.

Pamela Nelson


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