Friday, November 11, 2016

Light on Yoga - Day 43

Tribute to Guruji and Light on Yoga - Day 43

Mr. Iyengar gives a short few pages on the bandha's and Kriya's after the asana section.

In the glossary of Light on Yoga, bandha is defined as: bondage or fetter.  It means a posture where certain organs or parts of the body are contracted and controlled.

Kriya is defined as: An expiatory rite, a cleaning process.

In the short few pages Mr. Iyengar gives an explanation only of Uddiyana Banda and Nauli kriya.

Uddiyana means flying up.  It is a way to regulate the flow of energy or prana.  Here the prana moves from the lower abdomen towards the head.  Mr. Iyengar gives step by step instructions in a standing position and states that it is a preliminary step for the practice of pranayama.

It is said to help tone the abdominal organs and eliminate toxins in the digestive tract.

Nauli  is where the abdominal muscles and organs are made to move laterally and vertically in a surging like motion. 
Nau means a boat and li means to cling to, to lie on, hide or cover.
Mr. Iyengar exercises caution in performing this kriya and not recommended for the average practitioner.
He recommends mastering uddiyana bandha first.

Pamela Nelson

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