Wednesday, February 3, 2021




Last weekend I attended my first in-person event since ...I'm not actually sure when.  It's been awhile. When I registered I was very outing after being home for so long.  As the event date drew nearer I was becoming a bit more anxious and hesitant. I hadn't actually left my yard for 10 days prior to the event even.  I am nervous in social settings to begin with...never mind during a pandemic.  From teaching at the Prince Albert Arts Centre though I have gotten to know a few of the great people who make the centre run as it does and knew it would be well organized and I really wanted to feel ..well connected.  

I am really glad I went. I not only met a few new people.. safely...with lots of space..I also learned a few new things and even the review of things I am doing already to try and stay connected was helpful.

I think the full title of the event was Connected: Together Even When Apart.  There was many great presenters from the Prince Albert area that gave information on how and when to best post on Social Media, Newsletters, Websites and a great panel of local businesswomen and bloggers.  There are many very talented and skilled people in Prince Albert that have a vast amount of wisdom and experience to share.  Each person that spoke was very genuine and you could tell their business was not just to make money, but that they really enjoyed helping and connecting with the people around them. 

The guest speaker was Jeffery Straker, who is a Saskatchewan based musician and a great speaker and storyteller.

His presentation spoke to me too as I really liked his analogy to a garden.  It reminded me so much of Mr. Iyengar's writing in Light on Life, "When a gardener plants an apple seed, does he expect the apples to appear at once? Of course not. The gardener waters the seed, watches each day, and feels happy seeing the growth."

Jeffery's advice, as I understood it was really to be your authentic self and you will find your tribe, so to speak.  Jeffery and all the other presenters also spoke on gratitude.  

That really is just a small review of the day.  It was really good to see, hear and feel all that was being said and shared.

My yoga practice is everything to me and I am so grateful to be able to share the teachings the best I can.  Though this journey I have met and connected with many wonderful people that I would not have made otherwise.  Sharing the seeds of yoga that have been shared with me and watching people grow is truly wonderful.
I know I have grown and become a better person because of it.

Thank you to the people and presenters of this workshop and Thank you for being a part of my journey and allowing me to be a part of your journey.

With gratitude,

Pam Nelson

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