Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Field of Dreams

 I grew up in the 80's and a big movie hit in the late 80's was Field of Dreams and if you know the movie I am referring to, I'm sure the next thing you are thinking is the famous line, "If you build it, he will come.", or maybe you thought that already when you saw the title of my blog. :)

(and no it's not "If you build it, they will come." - I've been corrected on this already.)
As a young kid the idea that believing in something enough that you are willing to risk everything was a pretty new concept. Actually, just believing in yourself enough that you could make something extraordinary happen was a pretty big concept.
But, as I've gotten older I realize that really is the only way one can live.  It is a hard way to live and I know I don't always choose this path, but I am trying to more and more.
I think this is another reason why the teachings of B.K.S. Iyengar has appealed to me.  
He taught about needing a firm foundation to be able to progress physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually on the yogic path - just like a plant needs strong roots to grow.
From Light on Life:
"A seed begins to grow from the inside. When given that right amount of soil or nutrients, air, water and sunshine it will flourish into a beautiful plant – whatever it was meant to be.  We may not know exactly when the seed of yoga was planted, but with awareness we too can realize we are exactly who we are meant to be and find from this core our life force or our true Self.

The conditions on the outside must be ripe for this to happen.  To move inward, one must not forget the body. Throughout the journey inward, the body must be kept active."
I know that if you plant that seed in yourself, water it daily and let it grow from the roots up you will build that foundation and enlightenment will come.
From Tree of yoga:

We want the action of yoga to bear fruit.  Remember the seed that we nurture to grow so that it can bear delicious fruit.  The joy that we feel when we taste that fruit cannot be expressed in words but only felt.  So, we must let that breath clear our head and hearts.

Mr. Iyengar writes that the inhalation is the movement of the self to come in contact with the periphery: the core of being moves with the breath and touches the inner layer of the skin. This is the outward process of the soul.  Exhalation is the return journey, the inward process, where the body, the cells and intelligence move inward to reach the core of the being.

To be whole and integrated means to find that connection and balance.
Keep following your dreams ~ I know with a steady and stable yoga practice it will come.
I will be teaching a Yoga for Building a Home Practice on January 27th at Yoga Sublime Studio in Prince Albert.  I will have posters out soon! If you are struggling with starting or maintaining a home practice this class is for you!  We will work through a few different sequences and discuss obstacles to our progress.  I hope you will be able to join me.
I hope you fulfill your Field of Dreams!
Pamela Nelson
Certified Iyengar Yoga Instructor


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