Thursday, February 16, 2017

Yoga: A Gem for Women - Pratyahara

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Yoga: A Gem for Women - Pratyahara

Pratyahara is the disciplining of the senses.  Geeta describes it as the "five organs of sense come in contact with the external world at the instance of the mind."

The sense organs are easily drawn into the outer world and need to be "restrained and directed inward towards the Source of all existence."

Geeta lays out the process of acquiring Self -knowledge or cognition as follows: Object, sense organ, mind, and soul. When combined form KNOWLEDGE.  If this combination is disturbed an interruption is created.

I like how Geeta differentiates between absentmindedness and drawing inward.  Sometimes our eyes are open, we see, but don't see. This is absentmindedness.

Pratyahara is when "the mind is purposefully withdrawn from the sense organs so that they lose contact with the sense objects."  - or the outer world. The "citta is brought under control as are the organs of sense."

Take some time today to sit or lie down.  At the beginning notice the sounds, smells, feel of the air around you and earth below you.  Then begin to focus on the breath.  The feel of the breath moving in and out.  Without trying to change the breath, just follow it.  As the body relaxes you may feel a movement of senses inward. You can feel and experience a state of peacefulness within where the outer world is not drawing you towards it.

Pamela Nelson

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