Sunday, February 26, 2017

Yoga: A Gem for Women - The Nature of Health

Yoga: A Gem for Women - The Nature of Health
Chapter Five Geeta writes about the Nature of Health, with information about the Importance of Health, Definition of Health, and How Health is Achieved. 
She also writes about the Nature of Disease and the Health According to Yoga.

Geeta says that, "No amount of wealth can equal health."  Which I'm sure most of us have heard in some form or another.  I know from travelling a bit over the years that some of the most content people, people who seemed to enjoy life were not those that necessarily had a lot of money.

Geeta gives quotes from the Upanisads and the Caraka Samhita, which says that to attain the four objectives of human existence (dharma, artha, kama and moksa), good health is needed.  This is a peaceful state in both body and mind.

When Geeta defines health she writes, "Life without happiness is mere existence."  Meaning that good health is not just physical, but physiological and psychological.  This comes from discipline of the mind through careful practice of asana and pranayama.  It cannot, as Geeta says, "be brought or bartered."

The aim of yoga, we are told is to restrain both physical disturbances and mental modifications to achieve one's goal.

Geeta writes, the "practice of Yoga brings not only physical health, but also mental health.  Its teaches one how to conquer obstacles so that one can live peacefully and in perfect happiness to achieve the goal of life - Self-realization."

Take stock of your health today- mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.  Give thanks for the good you have and know you can continue to work on the other areas with the support of your yoga practice.

Pamela Nelson

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