Saturday, February 11, 2017

Yoga: A Gem for Women - Pranayama

Image result for geeta iyengar pranayama

Yoga: A Gem for Women - Pranayama - Breath Control
Geeta writes that the end product of pranayama is mental calm and tranquility of the nervous system.
I like how she puts the body and mind become "tolerant".
Geeta writes that according to Patanjali the "Practice of breath control leads to a pure mind.  It dissolves the covering that hides the effulgence within.  Such a mind is fit for concentration."  sutra 11.52, 53
Pranayama is the lengthening of the inhalation and exhalation and the pause between is breath control.  According to the sutras this is to come after gaining mastery of the asana. At this time the breath becomes deeper, more subtle and rhythmic.
Geeta writes about the three important functions of  breath control.  They are the exhalation, inhalation and the retention either at the top of the in-breath or at the bottom of the out-breath.
Recaka is exhalation, puraka is inhalation and kumbhaka is retention. 
Geeta says that the word Kumbha means a vessel. 
It is an important section to read more fully than I can describe here as pranayama brings the Individual Self in contact with the Universal Self.
If you have been practicing pranayama on your own set aside 10-15 minutes to sit and quietly come to even breaths.  As the body and mind relaxes feel the breath moving in and out and how over time you begin to feel one with all that is around you.
Pamela Nelson

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