Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Week 3 From Pune

Hard to believe we are moving into week 3 at the institute and that I’m just days away from being halfway done.
There is a feeling of missing home but also the days go quite quickly walking to and from class, classes, practice, getting food from stalls to make meals, etc.
Even to have a shower we must heat the water tank about 15 minutes prior to save electricity and each night we are able to get filtered water only between 6:00 and 8:30p.m. Some nights it comes out fast and others it takes 45 minutes to an hour.  
Makes me really appreciate the clean water 💧 I have at home.
Hand washing clothes is another time I am grateful for the nice washer I have at home.

I have gone to a few shops in the tuk-tuks with some really wonderful drivers who have been driving students from the institute for many years so know all the best places and where they are going!
There is a pull to do and see more as there is much to see in India, and also just be still and practice.  I really didn’t want to go home more exhausted then I came so have been really happy to do a few outings and know I’ll be back again and will see more the next time. Also excursions do take a lot out of a person.  The roads are so busy, the traffic flow so crazy, the pollution, garbage and poverty can be a bit overwhelming.

To build up to the Centenary Celebration for Guruji the institute has been hosting countries this past year for 10 day intensives. These are countries that don’t have formal associations like the one we have in Canada.
Joining us this next 10 days are students from Malaysia, Indonesia and Serbia.  
The classes have now been very packed with over 200 students.

It does sound beautiful though when we are all chanting! ❤️
We will be doing more if this on my return as I feel now is the time. 🎼

To describe the classes is really something that can’t be done easily. It is a whole experience that does that a long time to absorb and digest.

One must know yoga to do yoga, but to do yoga one must know it.
Prashant related this a bit to learning to swim. You never take swimming lessons and not get in the water.  Yoga is like that, sometimes you just have to jump into the ocean!

May your practice be 🍎 fruitful.

Om Shanti,

PLN Yoga
"Helping Unite Body, Breath and Mind"

Pamela Louise Nelson 
Certified Iyengar Yoga Instructor

Blog: www.plnyoga.blogspot.comclass information and more
Call or text: 306-981-4703

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