Saturday, December 10, 2011

Vishudda Chakra - Throat Chakra

The vishudda chakra, or throat chakra is of course located on the spine at the base of the neck. It is associated with the color blue and relates to the body parts of the throat, thyroid and parathyroid, trachea, neck vertebra, mouth, esophagus and hypothalamus.

The word shuddhi means to purify. Being directly above the heart chakra, it is considered the first leading to higher consciousness. Moving from the physical energy centers up to the higher spiritual centers. It is the center of communication, governing our ability to communicate creatively and in our own personal way. When balanced creativity flows, either through music, art, etc. The mind is open, one speaks the truth, and speaks in a non-harmful way.

When out of balance, one may talk to much, gossip, stutter, talk excessively or inappropriately, very shy or have either a weak or an overly loud voice. Physical symptoms that may persist is the vishudda chakra is not spinning correctly may be chronic sore throats, thyroid problems, scoliosis, canker sores, gum disease, neck and shoulder tension, teeth grinding and jaw disorders.
Some asanas that help open and balance this chakra are bhujangasana (cobra pose), matsyasana (fish pose), supta virasana (reclined heros pose), salamba sarvangasana (supported shoulderstand), halasana (plow pose), viparita karani (legs up the wall pose).
Also, practicing the jalandhara bandha (net lock) at the throat and ujjai pranayama.

Ham (pronounced Hung) is the mantra to chant to help balance the vishudda chakra. Sitting with a stable foundation, the spine lifting, cross the fingers inside towards the palms and let the thumbs touch at the top. Concentrate on the throat chakra as you chant - HAM.

Pamela Nelson

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