Sunday, December 18, 2011

Third Eye Chakra - Anja Chakra

The Anja Chakra, also called the third eye chakra is located right behind the root of the nose, between the eyebrows, drawing inward towards the centre of the head.  I have read that Anja means command or perception, and that it is this chakra, the wisdom eye, that guides the others.

Associated with the color indigo and the body parts of the brain, nervous system, pineal and pituitary glands and the sense organs (eyes, ears, nose), this sixth chakra, when open one is intuitive, using their sixth sense.  It is said that when open, the past, present and future can clearly be seen and the universal self is connected to the individual self in non-duality.

If out of balance, one might experience headaches, hearing and/or seeing difficulties, difficulty concentrating, poor memory and make choices based on fear and past experiences instead of inner wisdom.

Supported poses, especially forward bending poses that support the third eye, will help balance and stimulate this area. 

Focusing on this chakra while chanting OM helps to balance and draw one inward.
Sit with spine erect and bring hands in front of chest.  Have the thumbs touching and pointing towards the body.  Keep the index fingers pointing up together and all the other fingers bent to the second knuckle pressing together.

Pamela Nelson

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