Monday, April 20, 2015

Restore and Rejuvenate from the Core

During this spring session I am offering two 4-week workshop classes.
The first I created is called Restore From the Core and then starting in May - Rejuvenate From Within.

I went into preparing for these workshops from the basis that most of us are living such stressful lives that we all could use an hour or two break each week.  Giving yourself that permission to pause and recuperate really is a first step in saying you are worth that self care. After giving so much of ourselves to family, friends and work to give time to ourselves is important.

From that I realized I wanted the workshops to be something more then just that break one evening a week so I have included email reminders throughout each week.  Some are a reflection of what was taught or a reminder to take a few minutes each day for yourself, without guilt or a need to justify.  Benefitting your own body, breath and mind state can only be positive for those around you. They will feel the calmness you are radiating and possibly feel calm also in your presence.

In sharing this I have to say it has been a great reminder to myself to stop, breath, stay present and reflect on the beauty that is around me. I feel so very grateful to have the many people in my life helping me to stay on this path!

Pamela Nelson
Certified Iyengar Yoga Instructor

If you are interested in joining the next workshop - Rejuvenate from Within please contact me to register.
I would also be happy to bring these workshops to your workplace or other group settings.

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