Monday, January 16, 2012

Stages of an Asana


Each asana (posture), has three stages.

Commencement (Upakrama)
Maintenance (Sthiti)
Conclusion (Upasamhar)

Each stages does not just have physical techniques, but physiological, psychological, sensory, respiratory and pranic techniques.

The balancing or synchronizing of all these make a yogasana.
To make a complete asana each stage will have a facet of activity, sensitivity, perceptivity, pensivity, reflectivity and meditativity.
The asana then is not just done but it is seen, heard, felt, sensed, thought and breathed.  The asana does not just remain an asana, but becomes a state, leading to the higher aspects of pensivity, reflectivity and meditativity.

The above information is from Prashant Iyengar's book, Alpha and Omega of Trikonasana.
 Prashant gives much to think about and adds imensely to making yogasanas more then just a pose.

Pamela Nelson

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