I always love when “coincidences” happen. Almost minutes after I posted the newsletter and updated my blog last night with my mini challenge I received the latest Prashnayantra Problem Statement. I have posted a few of these before. The are auto-generated statements that have been put together by the grandson of B.K.S. Iyengar and nephew of Geeta and Prashant Iyengar.
The statements is:
As you do Vipareeta Karani, Investigate retention duration. Repeat Retention after Exhalation, increasing the duration each time. Find out at which point this starts leading to negative effects rather than a positive effect. Stop at this point and recover.
One of the three poses is Viparita Karani and the statement is referring to the retention of the breath. Become stable and settled in the pose before investigating the retention of the breath. Do not overdo, especially if you are new to the practice.
I did day 1 as part of my morning practice. How did your 3 poses practice go?
Pam 🙏