Saturday, March 1, 2025

Viparita Karani - Legs up the Wall

 I always love when “coincidences” happen.  Almost minutes after I posted the newsletter and updated my blog last night with my mini challenge I received the latest Prashnayantra Problem Statement.  I have posted a few of these before.  The are auto-generated statements that have been put together by the grandson of B.K.S. Iyengar and nephew of Geeta and Prashant Iyengar.

The statements is:

As you do Vipareeta Karani, Investigate retention duration. Repeat Retention after Exhalation, increasing the duration each time. Find out at which point this starts leading to negative effects rather than a positive effect. Stop at this point and recover.

One of the three poses is Viparita Karani and the statement is referring to the retention of the breath. Become stable and settled in the pose before investigating the retention of the breath.  Do not overdo, especially if you are new to the practice.

I did day 1 as part of my morning practice.  How did your 3 poses practice go?

Pam 🙏 

March onto Your Mat - 3 poses for daily for 2 weeks - Let’s Go!

March onto your Mat

As a way to welcome March and before the online session starts, I thought I’d put out a goal of three poses to incorporate into your day for the next two-weeks.

Best to do in the morning before your day gets busy, or evening prior to bed.  Depending on your experience and practice you can stay anywhere from a minute or two in each pose or 15.  Maybe you’ll notice your length of stay and ease in each asana changes over the two weeks.  Only practice what you feel comfortable and have experience with.

Pose 1: Salamba Sirsasana- headstand or Prasarita padottanasana - wide leg forward bend

Pose 2: Salamba Sarvangasana- shoulder stand or Setu Bandha Sarvangasana - supported bridge pose

Pose 3: Viparita Karani - Legs up the wall pose

Feel free to message with any questions or let me know how your daily practice is going. See photos examples below or check out my blog for more information.

Viparita Karani - Legs up the wall

Please also join me for online or in-person classes:

In-person classes at the Anderson Centre in Christopher Lake continue on Tuesday evenings from 6:30-7:45 p.m. These classes use a punch-card that can be purchased from me or CPL Rec.  CPL Rec offers other great classes that your punch-card can also be used for. 

In-person classes in Prince Albert start next week - March 3rd at the Margo Fourier Centre (formerly Prince Albert Arts Centre). I will be teaching a class from 10:45-11:45 a.m. and a noon hour class.  You can register online through the city of P.A. or stop at the Centre on Central during the day and register in person.  

Online classes will be live and recorded on Monday mornings from 7:15-8:30 a.m.and even days in April I will have a Wednesday evening Restorative class from 7:15-8:15 p.m. The 4 audio classes will be sent throughout this session. You will have access these classes, plus the many classes in my playlist from the past 4 years until the end of June.  That is 14 weeks of access to classes - a great way to build your home practice.  Please see poster for more details and email me to register.

