Tuesday, August 28, 2018

2018 Fall Classes Start Next Week!

Hard to believe that September is only a few days away!
I've enjoyed a full summer and although sad to see summer end I always get excited for fall classes.
Below is my fall schedule.
If you are interested in joining please register early.
Some classes will only run if enough participants have registered.
Thank you!
Also, if the cooler weather has got you thinking about winter...there is still time to join the
Yoga Retreat in Costa Rica! 
Full schedule - Classes in Christopher Lake and Prince Albert
Christopher Lake Classes:
Classes at the P.A. Arts Centre

Other classes:

Online Classes:
Costa Rica Yoga Retreat:




One Hundred Days of Celebrating B.K.S. Iyengar Quotes and Sutras - Day 36-50

One Hundred Days of Celebrating B.K.S. Iyengar Quotes and Sutras
Day 36-50

https://youtu.be/YV8Lwh5WXfg - audio sutras II.1 - II.5
https://youtu.be/9gDdvloUPNM - Audio II.6 to II.10
https://youtu.be/aOG_xetrenc - audio II.11-II.15
https://youtu.be/H5wbDExd7_0 - audio II.16-II.20
https://youtu.be/V_aB_rLnHZ4 - audio - II.21-II.25




Monday, August 13, 2018

Mid- August Yoga Classes! Fall Online Yoga Special!

I have just returned from a great little yoga and camping trip with my son. Here are a few photos. 
So great to visit other studios along the way and take classes.

I know only a few days away but am rejuvenated and am offering 3 mornings of yoga!

August 16-18 - 9:30-11:00a.m.
Christopher Lake
Email me to register. plnyogastudio@gmail.com

See poster for more details.

I also put together my Fall Online classes10 sequences over September and October.
I would really love to increase the online number so am giving an incentive for you and your friends/family to give it a try.  Get more friends to join with you and everyone receives up to 20% off!
Check out the poster for this awesome deal!

And just to be sure I'll add on at the end my fall class posters. 

Thanks so much!




Saturday, August 11, 2018

One Hundred Days of Celebrating B.K.S. Iyengar Quotes and Sutras - Day 23-35

One Hundred Days of Celebrating B.K.S. Iyengar Quotes and Sutras
Day 23-33

Audio for sutras 1.31 to 1.40 -

Audio for sutras 1.41 to 1.51 -

End of first Pada