Friday, September 22, 2017

$5 Yoga Class - Sept. 26th

$5 $5 $5
Tuesday, September 26th
7:15-8:15 p.m.
Basic/ Level 1 Iyengar Yoga

Looking to try Yoga or get back into it. 
Come try the Beginner Iyengar Yoga Class

Location: Yoga Sublime Studio, Prince Albert

Contact me to register or register online using the Mindbody app for Yoga Sublime!

Sunday, September 10, 2017

LInking Urdhva Prasarita Padasana and Ardha Salamba Sirsasana

Trying to do a few videos and finding they are a great learning tool. Hard to watch one self and not see where can bring more awareness.

This is a much shortened version of my morning practice today.  Each day is different but wanted to show how important it is to learn to bend from the top thigh whether lying, sitting or even upside down.

Also, how so many poses are almost the same just the foundation has changed.

Wishing you a wonderful day!

Pamela Nelson
Certified Iyengar Yoga Instructor

Friday, September 8, 2017

Updated class schedule and workshops

 I wanted to repost my classes and workshops as the date of the Yoga: From the Core workshop has changed to November 25th and also I have extended a few of the registration deadlines.

Please feel free to pass along if you live in the Prince Albert or Christopher Lake area.

Hope to see you in the Fall Yoga Session!

Fall Classes 2017
My evening classes in Prince Albert begin the week of September 5th and the Tuesday morning class begin September 12th. Christopher Lake classes begin the week of September 11th.
Please note location of classes.

Monday's: Christopher Lake at Anderson Community Complex - See Poster below for details
9:00-10:30a.m. - Iyengar A.M. All Levels - begins September 11th
10:50-11:50a.m. - Mom and Baby Yoga - begins September 11th

10:15-11:30a.m. - Iyengar A.M. All Levels - begins September 12th - Yoga Sublime
12:05-12:55p.m. - Noon Yoga - begins September 12th - Forest Centre

5:30-7:00p.m. - Iyengar All Levels - begins September 5th - Yoga Sublime
7:15-8:15p.m. - Iyengar Basic/Level 1 - begins September 5th - Yoga Sublime

Wednesday's: Christopher Lake at Anderson Community Complex - See Poster below for details
7:00-8:30p.m. - Iyengar Evening All Levels - begins September 13th - Christopher Lake
Thursday's: Yoga Sublime
5:30-6:45p.m. - Gentle/Restorative Yoga - begins September 7th
7:00-8:30p.m. - Women's Health Yoga Workshop - Thursday's in October - see poster below
7:00-8:30p.m. - Building a Home Yoga Practice - Thursday's in November - see poster below

Saturday's: Yoga Sublime
9:00-10:15a.m. - A.M. Eye Opener - begins September 9th
1:30-4:30p.m. - Yoga From the Core workshop - November 25th - see poster below
10:30-Noon - Yoga For: Necks, Shoulders, Backs and Knees - September 23rd, 30th & October 14th &21st (see poster below)

 Fall Workshops and Retreats