Friday, January 13, 2017

Gem for Women - Four Paths to Liberation

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Yoga: A Gem for Women
by Geeta Iyengar
Chapter II in the Theory section of Gem for Women  is titled "Four Paths to Liberation". 
As I continue to read through Geeta's book and write this blog I hope many can also see that yoga is not just a "Gem for Women", but for all. 
This book may be tailored to women, but if you read the whole book you will see yoga is for all!
Geeta writes how many sages and philosophers have "compared life to a chariot drawn by two horses - the material and the spiritual - both running in unison.  Any imbalance in their speed results in unhappiness."  I like this and can put many things into perspective when we start to look at our lives.  More technology, less physical labour, more stress, less sleep.  Geeta says also, "The trouble with our age is that the material steed of the chariot is running faster than the other - the spiritual."
So, Geeta asks, "Is there a way to balance material and spiritual knowledge in order to create harmony in our lives?"
This leads into the four paths of Self-Realization.
They are:
1. The path of Knowledge - which allows one to discriminate between good and evil
2. The path of Action - Considers service to humanity as service to God
3. The path of Devotion - With love for all animate and inanimate objects one attains liberation
4. The path of Yoga - One learns to control the fluctuations of the mind, stabilize the mind and realize the Supreme
Geeta shares quotes from many ancient texts to show how Yoga can lead to liberation.
She writes, "The fact that the path of Yoga has been highly praised does not mean that the other three paths are inferior, but that Yoga has attained a fullness by absorbing the other three paths of knowledge, devotion and action.
Geeta says in the science of  Ayurveda the human body is divided into six main parts. Those being, the head, the chest, two arms and two legs. 
She then writes," The head is the seat of knowledge, the heart that of devotion, the arms and legs are for action.  The path of Yoga combines these three - body, mind, and soul - which act in unison.  Therefore, Yoga is the foundation for all the other paths."
I like thinking of Yoga as a path. I can look ahead and envision an actual path and know the knowledge, action and devotion on the yogic path never ends.  Sometimes the path I see is beautiful, sometimes cloudy and grey, sometimes - often there is many obstacles on my path, but I know it is there ahead of me, guiding me even when I am not sure where I am going.
Pamela Nelson

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