Saturday, December 10, 2016

Stretch and release tension in the neck and shoulders with Garudasana

Feeling a bit hunched up with the cold and stress. This pose is good for stretching the back, neck and shoulders.  The leg action - either for chair pose or eagle pose is great also to strengthen the legs and back and work on balance.
In Light on Yoga, Mr. Iyengar writes that Garuda means an eagle, the king of birds.
I have included a few warm up poses to do before the full pose.
This is general guidelines for the pose.  Please know yourself and your limits in the asanas.

From Mountain Pose, begin warming up the arms and shoulders by just letting the arms swing from the shoulder sockets.  Keep the legs firm, spine lengthening, but let the weight of the arm and momentum let them swing and be loose.
Come back to Tadasana, Mountain Pose.

Again, pressing evenly into both feet, lift the kneecaps up to engage the quadriceps muscles, press the thighbones back.  Lengthen the side body, and inhaling raise the arms up parallel to the floor.  Exhale and release the shoulders down the back and extend from the shoulder to the fingertips.
Inhale and then exhale and swing the arms to wrap them around the body.  Trying to hug around the body.  Notice how far the elbows might be able to cross over one another.  Come back to Tadasana and repeat swinging the opposite arm over top.
Ukatasana - chair pose, helps to strengthen the legs, ankles and knees.  Builds balance and can be used as an alternative leg option when doing Garudasana.
From Tadasana, Mountain pose, inhale and then exhaling bend the knees, lengthen the tailbone down towards the ground.  Keep the outer thighs rolling in and bend at the hips. Raise the arms parallel to the floor, keeping the shoulders moving down the back and away from the ears.  Keep the head level.
You can also choose to raise the arms up overhead, either pressing the palms together, if you can keep the arms straight.
Or keeping the parallel to one another.

Inhale, press the floor with the feet and come back up to Tadasana.
Those poses can be done before if you wish as a bit of a warm up.


From Tadasana, inhale and raise the arms parallel to the floor. 

Exhale and bring the right arm over top of the left. Bending the elbows bring the backs of the hands to touch each other.
Bring the right hand forward and as you bring back, let the palms come to touch each other.  Press the palms together evenly and use the arms to help release the shoulder down the back, drawing the lower tips of the shoulder blades deep into the back.
Bending at the knees, bring the left leg over the right thigh.  Rest the back of the left thigh on the front of the right thigh.
Hook the left foot around the right calf.  Keep inner legs squeezing together, tailbone drawing towards floor and elbows lifting to shoulder height. Face, throat and abdomen should remain soft.

Release and repeat on the opposite side, staying for equal lengths on both sides.
If balancing with legs crossing is to unstable do the arm action of eagle pose with the leg action of chair pose.

Benefits: This pose is said to remove stiffness in the shoulders and ankles.  It can also help prevent cramps in the calf muscles and legs.

Enjoy the freedom of being like an eagle.
Pamela Nelson - Certified Iyengar Yoga Instructor

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