Sunday, September 1, 2024

Fall Classes - Where the Mind Goes


I hope summer has been a time to relax and enjoy the warm weather, family and friends.

I haven't posted in awhile, but hope to more this fall.

I did want to post my upcoming fall classes.  I have been preparing classes with the theme of Where the Mind Goes.  Classes will be an exploration into the mind and how to let go of the chatter of the mind.

I also would love to lead a fall or winter retreat.  If you know of any great venues please share them with me.  I am on the look out for that perfect spot and hope you can join!

If you are interested in any of my online or in-person classes please let me know.  The details are in the posters below.

Thank you and hope to see you soon.

Om Shanti,


Where the Mind Goes

The theme of classes this fall is “Where the Mind Goes”.  We will explore concepts of the mind through body and breath awareness.  I hope you will join me either for the online session or in person in Christopher Lake or Prince Albert.  I will be teaching a live online class Monday mornings from 9-10:15 a.m.  The recording will be provided after, along with access to my full online library from the past 4 years.

I will also have an in-person class Monday at noon in Prince Albert and Tuesday evenings in Christopher Lake.  

Please see the posters below and message me for further details or to register. I would also greatly appreciate if you share the posters with anyone else you think might be interested.

I look forward to seeing you soon and hope you have had a nice summer so far.  Still some summer left to enjoy!

Peace and joy,

Pam 🪷

Online live classes with recording, plus access to my full playlist of classes from the past 4 years.  Enjoy yoga at anytime from your home or wherever you might be!

Please register early so I know if have enough interest to run the session.

Noon yoga Monday mornings at the Margo Fournier Centre (formerly the P.A Arts Centre).  5 classes in each session.  There is a slight error on the poster as I am away October 7th also.  Please message if have questions, but registration can be done at the Arts Centre or online through the City of Prince Albert.  Please register early!

Tuesday evening classes will continue this fall through CPL Rec.

Classes are by punchcard which can be picked up through Carmen at CPL Rec office or me. Although registration is not required it would be great to get an idea of how many are interested.  Please message me if you hope to join.  Thank you!🙏

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