Today's Statement:
Establish a breath cycle, and do/pace all actions and corrections so that the breath cycle remains absolutely undisturbed
Some Thoughts and Hints:
- When initially trying this approach, it is best to establish a breath cycle, in terms of its region, duration and volume, that is conducive for that particular asana. For example, some difficult asanas may have a shorter duration breath more natural to them. Hence working in this mode also improves the skill of knowing the suitable breath cycle upfront.
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Information about the statement generator:
Srineet Sridharan is the grandson of B.K.S. Iyengar and the creator of the statement generator. Below he writes more about this.
About Prashnayantra: A Yogasana Problem Statement Generator
23 Feb 2014
Beginners focus on learning how to do asanas, and improving their poses over time. At some point however, you need to go beyond this, and slowly embark on a study of yogic principles. This project auto-generates problem statements that are intended to help in this journey.
These problem statements are based primarily on classes conducted in the Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute, Pune, and particularly from attending classes conducted by Prashant Iyengar.
Stepping into the ladder towards yogic principles, I would say that the level of problem statements generated here is still near the initial steps. There are higher, subtler principles and lessons that go beyond those addressed in the problem statements here. For example, Prana-kriya, Chakra-kriya, Pranayama etc. are not covered here.
The problem statements generated here will make most sense to those who attend the classes cited above. While others may yet benefit from them, they may not be able to appreciate them in the same sense. This unfortunately, is true of any somewhat specialized subject that has not yet built a formal widely-accepted jargon, but has developed specific terms used by teachers. At this point, I do not aim to provide an explanation of each of the problem statements, and nor am I fully equipped to do that.
How to Use
Those that attend the classes will realize that the problem statements generated here have tremendous potential to raise the level of students who use them in their practices. This project may help students get a grip on the many topics, paradigms and principles covered informally in classes, but that slip away from their minds over time.
Teachers may use these problem statements for their own study from a teaching point of view, or even just to help come up with a topic to cover in their next class.
Classes could use this to put up on a " Thought for the Week " type notice board.
It'd be great to have a community of students that work on these problem statements, share their notes, and learn together. Maybe an online community too.
This Project
Other than just being somewhat fun and interesting, I believe there is value in this project in that, the listing and systemetization of various informally taught, but as yet uncataloged, lessons and principles, in the form of the grammar used to generate the problem statements.
Some auto-generated problem statements may seem non-sensical. The fault lies entirely with me (I probably let something slip through to simplify the grammar). At the same time, what may sound non-sensical to one, may well be deep and insightful to a more penetrating mind...
Terms of Use
The terms of use for this project, when using the generator or the problem statements generated by it, are along the lines of Creative Commons with Attribution. So feel free to use the site and the problem statements as you please; just acknowledge this site Prashnayantra as the source of the statements.
About the Author
I am the grandson of B.K.S. Iyengar, son of his daughter Vanita, and nephew of Geeta and Prashant Iyengar. I live in Pune with my wife Mugdha and daughter Deeksha.
Will be very happy to hear from you. Please send me an email
Copyright © 2014 Srineet Sridharan