2019 Winter Yoga Schedule
Finding Courage, Joy, Hope and Peace
Happiest of New Year's to You!
I hope this email finds you well and enjoying the first few days of January with this now warm weather.
That is life, sometimes unpredictable and seems to always be changing.
Yoga can help bring a sense of balance,
whether it be a sense of stability or the need for flexibility.
Not just in body, but the breath and mind.
I hope this email finds you well and enjoying the first few days of January with this now warm weather.
That is life, sometimes unpredictable and seems to always be changing.
Yoga can help bring a sense of balance,
whether it be a sense of stability or the need for flexibility.
Not just in body, but the breath and mind.
I like to spend time reflecting on the past year and prepare for the year to come by setting an intention or more of a mantra or theme for the year ahead. Last year for me it was Moving Right Along (you know the Muppet's :)). I know seems that in yoga we shouldn't be looking ahead and are to be happy in the present, but in Moving Right Along that was what I hoped to do. My challenge to myself was to shake off some fears, mindsets and restrictions I had put on myself and take steps to do new things and live it in the present moment whether it was in the planning and preparing or the actual event itself. The first was committing to lead a retreat in Costa Rica and in a little over a month will be coming to fruition. I also went to India for a month to study at the Iyengar Institute in Pune. With family and financial commitments not an easy task but the time felt right and I am so glad I did as I was able to receive wonderful teachings from Geeta Iyengar once more before she passed away on December 16th. This has hit me and the Iyengar community and I felt I needed some way this year to navigate what this will mean. I was clearing my yoga space the other day and have these rocks I bought years ago from Ten Thousand Villages. They are what brought my theme or mantra for the coming year - Finding Courage, Joy, Hope and Peace. This year the courage to know what I need to hang onto and what I need to let go of. Hope ..as a little hope can go a long way! Joy and Peace - really focusing on defining this year what this means to me at this time.
So, I hope you will join me and share exploring this mantra this upcoming year!
Om Shanti, shanti, shanti - Om, peace, peace, peace
So, I hope you will join me and share exploring this mantra this upcoming year!
Om Shanti, shanti, shanti - Om, peace, peace, peace
Please check it out and register early!
If you have any questions please email me also.
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