Friday, March 2, 2018

Early Mother's Day of Yoga, Sunday Workshops and Online Classes


The start of March is here and spring is on it's way!
I have a date for my Mother's Day of Yoga, which is always early to actual Mother's Day so you can have a day to nurture yourself and be home for Mother's Day with your family and be pampered there.  Really can't get any better!!! :)

I also am offering 3 hour Sunday morning workshops at my home studio with lunch after!
Bring a few friends and pick a Sunday!

I started online yoga classes in February and now into March using Facebook Live.  You can have access to the classes at anytime for at least 6 months for a really reasonable price of $30 for 5 classes.

If interested in trying it out just contact me! 

Thank you and I hope to see you live and in person or possibly Facebook Live. :)



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