Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Creating Freedom

I just finished reading an article called "Creating Freedom", by Lynn Holt. 
Lynn is a senior Iyengar instructor from Australia and has lived in India for some time also. 
I have not studied with her but have gained insight from many of her articles.

This one started with focusing on how discipline and cultivation of character will end with freedom.

To discipline ourselves at the beginning means sacrifice, hard work and usually giving up something.  We often fail because we see others doing things and we feel we are suffering and being restricted because we have to stick to this discipline. 

But all disciplines also have their many rewards, whether it is in the arts or sciences.

Lynn writes, "Freedom comes when the disciplined action is converted with rigorous discipline into natural action."

So what begins maybe as regimented practice becomes a passion and joy and that transformation ends our struggles.  The intelligence begins to spread into the body and not remain in the mind.

Lynn writes that, "It is only when we ask ourselves: What am I doing? Why am I doing it that our minds will open.  This is self-awareness."

When was the last time you spent time reflecting on the things you do and why. 
Lynn writes, "The moment we are attentive to our practice, we create something with life and energy.  Awareness allows us to overcome tiredness and exhaustion in our poses and also in our lives."

When that calm, clarity comes from a yogic mind one is more stable and content and has created inner freedom.

Thanks to Lynn for her insightful article. Namaste.
Pamela Nelson

Certified Iyengar Yoga Instructor

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