Friday, July 31, 2015

Iyengar Yoga Centre of Victoria Teacher Training Intensive

What does the word intensive mean to you?

Dictionary defines it as: 
Concentrated on a single area or subject or into a short time; very thorough or vigorous.

To me it means learning, laughs and a great way to submerge myself into my yoga practice and improve my teaching skills for a week.

I am fortunate enough to be able to attend once again a week long teacher training intensive in Victoria, B.C. at the Iyengar Yoga Centre of Victoria as I prepare for my next level of assessment.

 It is intense with over 30 hours of yoga and training during the week.  As a distance teacher I gain so much value from intensives as I can learn from not only the senior teachers leading the training but also all the skilled and wonderful teachers attending.

During the week intensives I don't often post much as I am trying to absorb the work into my own body, breath and mind first.
But, I will be bringing it all back with me to explore and share as the Fall Yoga Session will soon be starting.

Watch for class posters soon for the Fall classes I will be teaching at Yoga Sublime, P.A. Arts Centre and Christopher Lake.

Pamela Nelson
Certified Iyengar Yoga Instructor

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