Monday, February 9, 2015

Three Levels of Quest

B.K.S. Iyengar offered many insights on yoga through the asana-s because the freedom of the body and mind is required first before can move deeper inward.

He said, "There are three levels of quest through yoga asana-s. The external quest for firmness of body. The internal quest is for the steadiness of intelligence. The innermost quest is for the benevolence of spirit."

An understanding of one's own body, mind and breath through practice must be understood first.
If takes faith and courage to examine and maintain a steady practice. To twist, bend, balance and go upside down.
To feel the effect of every action.

So examine your practice and penetrate deeper to connect with the inner body, reaching the organic body with intelligence.

Asana is a process to look into oneself - Geeta Iyengar

Pamela Nelson
Certified Iyengar Yoga Instructor

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