In the eight limbs of yoga (astanga yoga) Patanjali discusses many important steps one must go though to reach kaivalya, or eternal emancipation.
After discussing abhyasa (practice) and vairagya (detachment) where Mr. Iyengar writes in practice we activate and purify our energy and detachment we disentangle ourselves from involvement in even the subtlest of the phenomenal world, leads to sutra I.16.
Sutra I.16 tatparam purusakhyateh gunavaitrsnyam
The ultimate renunciation is when one transcends the qualities of nature and perceives the soul.
In Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Mr. Iyengar says the purest form of renunciation is when one is free from the qualities of nature. One realizes the soul at once. Clear intelligence of head and heart leads to this.
There is five stages of vairagya (detachment) and the involution of prakrti (nature), moving from specific to unmarked.
The first begins with disengaging the senses from action, then keeping away desire, stilling the mind, mastery of desire and finally supreme detachment.
We all want more energy, but as B.K.S. Iyengar writes, the creation of energy alone, without control or restraint, cannot lead to freedom.
To begin to relate this to today's world is challenging with so many distractions and desires to do, be and have more. Even being disciplined is seen as giving up your freedom to do whatever you want, when you want.
But, it is only through a long, uninterrupted sadhana of practice and detachment that the movements of consciousness can be stilled.
Pamela Nelson
But, it is only through a long, uninterrupted sadhana of practice and detachment that the movements of consciousness can be stilled.
Pamela Nelson
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