Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Yog is for understanding the Kleshas

Prashant Iyengar writes in his new book, Fundamentals of Patnjali's Pholosophy (Theory of Klesha and Karma), that essential Yog is for understanding and Identifying Kleshas. He says that subsequently, the Kelshas are alienated, enfeebled and countered.

Yog is a battle against Kleshas and is a process of attenuating, weakening and destroying Kelshas.

Prashant states that, "What one does is not really Karma but why one does it is Karma."
Karma then is not merely the act or action.

We must develop a habit and attitude to ponder over one's Karma, asking questions like, "What was done?, "How was it done?", "When was it done?", "Why was it done?" and "Alternatively, how could it have been done?"

This is just a few points to ponder, as Prashant has written another wonderful book to help explain the Philosophy of Yog.

Pamela Nelson

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Venerable Losang Samten - P.A. Arts Centre - Wheel of Life Mandala

Venerable Losang Samten will be in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan again this year from September 3-5th.
He will be performing the Wheel of Life Mandala Creation and giving a talk.
Please see the poster below for more details on this wonderful event.

There is also information on how to find out more about the Fall Retreat from Sept. 6th - 8th at Shekinah.

Pamela Nelson

Update Poster for Prince Albert Yoga Classes at PLN Yoga Studio


I have attached a revised poster for classes in Prince Albert.
Fixed a few errors and added a class.

Please contact me if interested in joining a class.

Pamela Nelson

Thursday, August 15, 2013

2013 Fall Yoga Schedule in Christopher Lake

Hi again,
Here is the fall yoga schedule for classes in Christopher Lake.
Contact me for details or to register.

Pamela Nelson

Thursday, August 8, 2013

2013 Fall Schedule at PLN Yoga Studio

Here is the Fall Schedule for PLN Yoga Studio at this time.  If having trouble viewing please contact me and I can email it to you or visit my website.

I will be adding a few extra classes or workshops here and there also.

Please contact me for more information or if you are interested in registering.
Some classes do fill quickly. Payment requested with registration to hold your spot.

Please feel free to pass along to anyone you know that might be interested in classes.
I am also available to teach corporate classes, noon hour classes at your work, kids parties, bridal showers, etc.

Contact me at:

Thank you.

Pamela Nelson

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Back from India

Hello everyone!

Just wanted to say that I have made it home safely from the Iyengar Institute in Pune, India.

Lots of great learning and laughing and meeting other great yoga practitioners from all over the world.

I hope to have my Fall schedule for PLN Yoga Studio posted in the next few days..

Happy summer!

Pamela Nelson