
Friday, October 8, 2010

Intention of Week Three - Relaxation: In Every Pose There Should be Repose

Sankalpa - intention

Set an intention, and see what happens.

All ideas have been taken from B.K.S. Iyengar's book, "Light on Life", p.36-40

As we move into week three of classes our intention incorporates the awareness and expansion of the past few weeks to find the state of relaxation in each pose. 

Mr. Iyengar says that "There is always relaxation in the right position, even though you are fully stretching."
"When one extends and relaxes, there is no oscillation of mind or body."  He also says that, "When there is only exertion, one keeps a constant load on the muscles, which tire due to overstretching, and injury occurs. The mind does not balance when you force."

That is why it is important to begin with the foundational poses like Tadasana (Mountain Pose), to release the mind and quiet the cells, and to re-establish these poses during your practice.

Mr.Iyengar writes that inhalation is tension, exhalation is freedom.  All movements should be done on the exhalation, which purges the stress and tension from the body.

He says to find that "effortless effort" that Patanjali discusses in the Yoga Sutras in each pose.  Then you will find body, mind and breath.

Pamela Nelson

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