
Friday, October 8, 2010

Intention of week two - Dynamic Extension: From the Core of Your Being

Sankalpa - intention

Set an intention, and see what happens.

All ideas have been taken from B.K.S. Iyengar's book, "Light on Life", p.33-36

The intention for this week of classes is to learn not just to stretch from the tips of the body but right from the core.
Mr. Iyengar says,"The goal of all asana practice is doing them from the core of your being and extending out dynamically through to the periphery of your body.  As you stretch, in turn the periphery relates massages back to the core.  From head to heels, you must find your center, and  from this centre you must extend and expand longitudinally and latitudinally.  If extension is from the intelligence of the brain, expansion is from the intelligence of the heart.  While doing asana, both the intellectual intelligence and the emotional intelligence have to meet and work together.  Extension is attention, and expansion is awareness."

When we begin to stretch from the core we can not only see where we are stretching to, but where we are stretching from.

Pamela Nelson

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