
Saturday, October 23, 2010

Intention of Week Four - Lightness: Think Light and Feel Light

Sankalpa - intention

Set an intention, and see what happens.

All ideas have been taken from B.K.S. Iyengar's book, "Light on Life", 40-42

The intention this week was to think about the important quality of lightness.  Finding that "effortless effort" even in our most difficult poses.

Mr. Iyengar says that when a asana (posture) is done correctly, the body movements are smooth, giving lightness to the body and freedom to the mind.  When done with heaviness though they are incorrect.

He says that when we lose this lightness, our bodies shrink.  At that moment the brain becomes heavy and dull, and you see nothing.

According to B.K.S. Iyengar we must immediately lift the intelligence of the chest and open the mind.  The corners of the chest are pillars: They should always be firm.  It is the spine's job to keep the mind alert.

So as we weave the past intentions in with this weeks intention of lightness really feel yourself extending from the core in each asana to find and maintain this lightness.

To end, a quote from p.41 of Light on Life, "Performance from the intellect of the heart, with lightness, firmness, and at the same time softness means it is a total stretch, total extension, and total expansion.  Asana done from the brain makes one heavy and done from the heart makes one light."

"Work from the heart."

Pam Nelson

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