Monday, June 24, 2024

Summer In-Person Yoga Clases


I am happy to say that I will be teaching a Summer Yoga Session at the Anderson Community Centre in Chirstopher Lake starting July 8th.  The class will be on Monday mornings from 9-10:15 a.m.

Please pre-register and bring a mat.

Hope to see you soon.  Summer is a great time to start or nurture your yoga practice.  

Please email me at or CPL Rec at to register or for more informatin.

Thank you!

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Summer Yoga Class Special - Online Library


Happy Solstice!!!  
The longest day of the year and the official start of summer.

Although summer is a busy time, it is also a great time to build a consistent yoga routine.

I am offering a great summer special for July and August!

I am opening up my online library of classes from the past 4 years and creating a summer YouTube playlist that will be available to you on June 30th and stay available to you until September 15th.

There will be a multitude of All Level, Iyengar Flow and Restorative classes to chose from, as well as some new shorter classes that I will add this summer. 

A super great deal with a great summer price:

Only $80 for unlimited classes

(that's less than $10 a week for the summer)

Please contact me at: to register or for more information.

Thank you,


Sunday, April 21, 2024

Upcoming Spring Classes!


New Monday classes are starting this MAY!  

I will be teaching a Monday morning online class that will also have a recording available until two weeks after the last class.  Please email me to join.

I am also teaching a noon class at the Margo Fournier Centre in Prince Albert on Central Ave.

Plus classes in Christopher Lake continue on Wednesday evenings until mid-June.

Please contact me to join or if you have any questions. 
Classes are for all levels, where modifications can be made if required.  

Thank you!

Pam :)  

Happy Earth Day!


Happy Earth Day!

To celebrate Earth Day I thought I would share an Earth Day class I did a few years ago.

Always good to find your roots and your shoots.  

Earth Day class!

Let me know how you spent Earth day and I hope you enjoy the class.

Take care,


Sunday, March 31, 2024

Preparing for Padmasana - Class 2

Preparing for Padmasana - Class 2

Youtube link:

Class 2 - Preparing for Padmasana video

In the second class we explore opening up the hips, knees are pelvis to prepare for padmasana in seated, standing and lying variations.  Also important to note is attaining length to the spine and side body so the abdominal region is not compressed.

Some postures in this class are:
Janu sirsasana - head to knee pose
Baddha Konasana - bound angle pose
Ardha Uttanasana with a chair - half forward bend with a chair
Uttanasana to Adho Mukha Svanasana - forward bend to downward dog
Vrksasana - Tree pose
Supta Ardha Padmasana - reclined half lotus (with bolster)
Supta Padmasana - reclined lotus (with bolster)
Same poses with legs up the wall
Ardha Padmasana and Padmasana - seated half lotus and lotus
Svasana - Final relaxation

Take care following the class and pause as and when needed.
Check with your doctor if you are unsure about any postures.

Thank you,

Sunday, March 24, 2024

April Yoga Classes


April Yoga Classes

View the April Newsletter in your browser:[UNIQID] 

April Yoga Classes

Happy Spring!

Just a quick note to invite you to join me for classes in Christopher Lake or Prince Albert this spring.   Most classes should run until June if there is enough interest.

Tuesday class is in Christopher Lake at the Anderson Centre from 6:30-7:45 p.m. (Note: no class April 16th)

Wednesday class is in Prince Albert at the Arts Centre (renamed Margo Fourier Arts Centre) from 5:45-6:45 p.m.

(Note: no class April 17th)

I will also be including an online class in May.

I will send the poster in the next few weeks with class details.  The class is recorded so it can be done at any time that suits your schedule.

If you happen to be in Waskesiu Lake in July and August I will be teaching Thursday mornings at Outer Limits in Waskesiu.

Please message with any questions or if you are interested in joining any classes.

Thank you!

Pam :)

Please update my webstie/blog to:

I just added the first video on preparing for Padmasana!

PLN Yoga Blog

Spring classes will continue until near the end of June!

Monday online classes will start back in May!

Please email if you are interested in joining/attending online or in person classes.

PLN Yoga Email

Share your Feedback:

Please email me with your feedback or any class ideas or events you’d like to see.