Sunday, September 8, 2024

Yoga in Action - Moving from Beginner to Intermediate


Students of yoga often wonder when they might be ready to move into the intermediate class.  

In the beginning, the practice forms the foundation.  So in yoga, a strong, steady and stable foundation is required to proceed in yoga. It forms the basis to move into the next, or intermediate stage.  

One cannot neglect the practice of yoga that was done in the past as it creates the freedom of the body and mind to proceed. The beginner practice is a prerequisite.

Geeta Iyengar writes in Yoga in Action, "Performing the asana-s is one aspect of sadhana, but to understand one's own body, breath and mind through the practice is another aspect."

She writes, "Sometimes we limit the freedom of the body movements because of fear and/or pain or we attempt to break the limits using will power in the wrong way, resulting in injury.  When the body is unprepared, both approaches are wrong."

In over 20 years of teaching, I have seen many people hinder themselves in their practice because the physical may not be like the 'photos', and I have seen those that seem very adept at the poses hinder themselves thinking they are much further along the path because they look closer to the 'photos'.  I have been guilty of this myself in my own practice at times. We must learn that asana is a process to look into oneself and that every action has its effect somewhere, which has to be searched and noticed. 

I think it is good to question whether or not one is ready to move into a more intermediate class or not.  The fact you are questioning means you have taken time to consider some points, to look at your reason why.  Is it ego or are you prepared.  Whatever you do, set an intention, do the practice and see what happens.  If you are a more intermediate student, stepping back to the beginner stage can teach us even more about ourselves and our tendencies.  Have you been doing just what you like, have you created some bad habits?  

As Jack Kornfield says,"The goal of practice is always to keep the beginner's mind."

Om Shanti, shanti, shanti,



Interested in classes? Please email me for more class information.

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