Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Reminising - Costa Rica Yoga Retreat :)

Costa Rica was Amazing!
After lots of planning and dreaming and more planning the date to leave finally arrived. 
Leaving Saskatoon airport with my mom and a few other students to meet up with the others was exciting and a bit worrisome as the weather was a bit stormy.  But after only a short delay in Calgary we were on our way.  
The eco-farm and resort we were staying at was still a few hours away after our long journey, but we had a wonderful driver and air-conditioning so we were set for the winding road to the La Fortuna area.  The view was amazing - from farms to volcano - all so green and the air so warm.  They had not had rain in the area for almost 3 months so although the local people said it was quite dry, the rainforest air seems like heaven after the cold and dry winter in Saskatchewan. My hands and feet sure appreciated it :).

The resort is moderate in size hosting about 4 family bungalows, 3 individual bungalows and a 4 room hotel that was the original farm house.  The restaurant had a like home feeling of comfort and class.  They make all the meals right there, plus they grow most of the food used to feed the guests on the farm.

The amount of wildlife we were able to see without leaving the resort was really astounding.  From sloths to snakes, iguanas to toucans.  They have early bird watching tours, rainforest hikes, chocolate making tour and nighttime forest tours all at their location.

The yoga classes were an outside pavilion and it was so fun and great to teach and be surrounded by everyone who attended.  Midway though the week was a day for excursions if people wanted to head out and partake.  I went on a swinging bridge tour with my mom.  A few went on a hike around the Volcano, a few went rock climbing, a few went to one of the wonderful natural hot springs and a group went on a river raft tour.  Everyone said their tour was amazing, so if you go there is lots to see and do.

I have shared a few photos below and although I could share many more stories and laughs I won't write them all in this blog.  A huge thanks to those that joined me on this adventure.  It really was an amazing Journey to the Centre of the Self.

I do want to share with you though is the location and link to the next retreat !!!!!

Save the date for the Sacred Valley of Peru - October 3-10th, 2020 - with an option to stay a few days later and hike to Machu Picchu.
Receptivity - A Yogic Exploration with Pamela and Kara

Costa Rica Photos:

Yoga Pavilion in La Fortuna, Costa Rica

Early bird watching tour - Toucans

Chocolate making tour all on site.  The chocolate was delicious!

Arenal Volcano hike

Beautiful Orchid on the Volcano hike

Swinging Bridge Tour

Lobster Flower??

Mineral Hot Spring


Last night at the resort!  What a beautiful group to spend a week with.
Thank you so much for joining me.

Group photo - one missing from each photo as we didn't have a photographer!!


Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti,


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