
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Vibrational Energy...and You

Everything is in constant motion, containing energy and never at rest. Energy vibrates at different frequencies depending on the object.

Humans, having a body, mind and spirit, have many different frequencies in the body at one time. Each one will vibrate at a different level, with the emotional, mental and spiritual bodies vibrating at a higher level.
Anytime we introduce something into our body, physical (food, drink, etc.) or mental (positive or negative thoughts, emotions, experiences) we change these vibrational frequencies.  It has been found that certain frequencies can repel and destroy disease so raising vibrational energy can bring healing and positive outcomes.

Things that can enhance and raise vibrational energy:
 - yoga
-  meditation
- prananyama
- singing bowls
- pure essential oils
-  listening to high vibrational music
- chanting
- colors  
- crystals
- positive thinking, compassion for yourself and others
- eating well balanced food, produced in an ethical manner
- laughter
- connect with nature

Over the next few blogs I will explore some of these methods to raise vibrational energy.

Pamela Nelson

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