
Friday, April 12, 2013

Featured Pose - Vasisthasana - Side Plank

Mr. Iyengar writes in Light on Yoga that Vasisthasana, or side plank, strengthens the wrists, exercises the legs and tones the lumbar and coccyx regions of the spine.
I have started with some poses to warm up the wrists, shoulders and legs.
I have only shown the first stages of this pose, with some modifications.

To warm up, begin in Tadasana with feet either together or hip width apart if you have any back, knee, hip, ankle issues.  Keep the legs firm, kneecaps lifted, quadriceps engaged.
Press the palms together evenly at the chest, with the wrists in line with the elbows and roll the shoulders down the back. Hold for about 10-20 seconds, remembering to breath evenly.

Interlace the fingers and press the palms out away from you.  Keep the shoulders moving down the back. Inhale and raise the arms up overhead, keeping the window between the ears and shoulders.
Exhale and release. Repeat changing the interlace of the fingers.

 Another great pose for wrists, shoulders and neck is to stand arms length from the wall, palm pressing into the wall, fingers turned back 90 degrees.  Foundation firm, shoulders from ears, press into wall for 20 seconds each side.  Repeat on each side.

 Then do same pose, but this time point fingers up the wal towards the ceiling.

 From there try stepping away from the way.  Getting the idea of Vasisthasana without the full weight on your writ or shoulder. Stay at this pose if you have any shoulder or wrist issues.

As strength builds in the wrists, shoulders, back and legs try using a chair, keeping the balance to the hand and foot. Compact the hips, legs are firm. Don't let all the weight rest in the hand. Repeat on other side 1-2 times.

 Another variation so all the weight is not on the supporting hand is to keep the foot from the upper leg on the floor, pressing the help distribute the weight.
Begin on your right side on the floor, bring top (left) leg foot in front, press into bottom right hand, upper foot and right outer edge of foot as you lift up on the inhalation. Raise the top arm.  Repeat on other side.

 For the full pose, begin in Tadasana, bend forward bringing hands to the floor and step legs back into downward dog or plank pose.
Then turn the whole body sideways to the right, keeping the balance on the right hand and foot only.  Keep the body in a straight line with legs firmly together, draw the tailbone down towards the heels, kneecaps lifting up, hips firm.
Raise the top arm up, shoulders stack and look up to the top hand.  Keep diaphragm relaxed and breath smooth. Come back to downward dog or plank and repeat to other side.

At the start you can bring the feet into the wall to help with balance.

As progress you can come back to plank, do chataraga dandasana (four-limbed staff pose), press back up to plank and repeat side plank on other side.

Strengthens wrists, shoulders, legs and back.

Neck, shoulder, wrist injuries or issues

Pamela Nelson

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