
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Tswana Proverb (Botswana)

Decisions are sometimes hard to make when there is more then one option.  This proverb really spoke to me yesterday when I read it.  Decisions, decisions, decisions.

Tswana Proverb - Botswana

Poo, ga di nne pedi mo sakeng.
Two bulls can't stay in the same kraal.

In the agricultural society in most of the rural parts of Botswana, animals are the measure of wealth. Historically, people have not trusted banks and choose instead to keep their wealth in the form of cattle, sheep, goats and donkeys.  Cattle are at the top of the list.  There is an intimate relationship between a person and his or her cattle. It is common knowledge that you cannot put two bulls into one kraal.  They will fight each other unto death.  This proverb is used to point out that you can't have it both ways. A decision has to be made.  While there may be two options, you must choose between them.

-From Africa: A Land of Hope, by Donna Ward

Pamela Nelson

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