
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Four Mountains

The Buddha said to the King of Kosala:
"Majesty, suppose a trusted messenger brought you news that a mighty mountain, high as the sky, was approaching from the East, crushing every living thing in its path.  Just as you began to worry about this situation, another trusted messenger brings news that a mighty mountain is advancing from the West, also crushing everything in its path.  Then messengers from the North and South arrive bearing similar messages.  Four mountains are advancing towards the capital, crushing every being in their paths. You know that you cannot escape.  There is nothing you can do to prevent the mountains from coming.  Your time is short.  What would your Majesty do?"
 The King pondered for a moment and then said,
"I believe there is only one thing I could do.  That would be to live my remaining hours in as worthy and serene a way as possible, following the true teaching."
The Buddha praised the king.
"Yes, your Majesty!  Those four mountains are the mountains of birth, old age, sickness, and death.  Old age and death are closing in on us, and we can never escape."
The king joined his palms.
"Remembering that old age and death are approaching, I understand that the best thing I can do is to live my remaining days and months according to your teaching, living serenely, mindfully, and benefiting others, including the future generations."
-Taken from Old Path White Clouds, by Thich Nhat Hanh

Enjoy the day!
Pamela Nelson


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