
Saturday, September 28, 2024

Ashtanga Yoga - Yamas - Ahimsa and Satya - Non-violence and Truth

Astanga yoga describes the eight limbs of yoga, where the first limb is the Yamas or ethical discipline.  The first Yama is Ahimsa, which means non-harming or non-violence.  In his book, Light on Life, Mr. Iyengar writes that violence arises out of fear, weakness, ignorance or restlessness.  To curb it what is most needed is freedom from fear.  To gain this freedom, what is required is a change of outlook on life and reorientation of the individual.  Violence is bound to decline when people learn to base their faith upon reality and investigation rather than upon ignorance and supposition.  The yogi believes that every creature has as much right to live as he has.      

Satya means truth and in yoga is the highest rule of conduct or morality.  In Light on Yoga, Mr. Iyengar writes, “If the mind thinks thoughts of truth, if the tongue speaks words of truth and if the whole life is based upon truth, then one becomes fit for union with the Infinite.”  He further writes that truth is not limited to speech alone.  There are four sins of speech: abuse and obscenity, dealing in falsehoods, telling tales and ridiculing what others hold to be sacred. 

At this time I reflect on non-violence and truth.  

PLN Yoga
"Helping Unite Body, Breath and Mind"

Pamela L. Nelson 
Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher, Level 3

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